Engineering Data Analytics Tuition Costs
$1,300 per credit, payable at the beginning of each semester.
Tuition includes:
- Canvas Learning Management System
- Live web-conferencing
- Toll-free telephone line for the audio portion of conference calls
- Library use
- Use of the web-conferencing software for group project work for program courses
- Advising
- Technical support
- Access to campus resources
Total Tuition
The total tuition for this program is $39,000*.
*This amount does not include textbooks or course-specific software. Software required for courses is typically available by UW–Madison or in educational versions at substantial discounts.
Federal Loans
Students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible to receive some level of funding through the Federal Direct loan program. These loans are available to qualified graduate students who are taking at least four credits during the fall and spring semesters and two credits during summer. Private loans are also available. Learn more about financial aid.
Employer Support
Many students receive some financial support from their employers. Often, prospective students find it beneficial to sit down with their employer and discuss how this program applies to their current and future responsibilities and how participation will not interrupt their work schedule.
Check out our article about how to talk to your employer about tuition reimbursement.
Manufacturing Systems Engineering Tuition Costs
$1,300 per credit, payable at the beginning of each semester.
Tuition includes:
- Canvas Learning Management System
- Live web-conferencing
- Toll-free telephone line for the audio portion of conference calls
- Library use
- Use of the web-conferencing software for group project work for program courses
- Advising
- Technical support
- Access to campus resources
Total Tuition
The total tuition for this program is $39,000*.
*This amount does not include textbooks or course-specific software. Software required for courses is typically available by UW–Madison or in educational versions at substantial discounts.
Federal Loans
Students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible to receive some level of funding through the Federal Direct loan program. These loans are available to qualified graduate students who are taking at least four credits during the fall and spring semesters and two credits during summer. Private loans are also available. Learn more about financial aid.
Employer Support
Many students receive some financial support from their employers. Often, prospective students find it beneficial to sit down with their employer and discuss how this program applies to their current and future responsibilities and how participation will not interrupt their work schedule.
Check out our article about how to talk to your employer about tuition reimbursement.
Power Engineering Tuition Costs
$1,600 per credit, payable at the beginning of each semester.
Tuition Includes:
- Technology costs for internet course delivery
- Live web-conferencing
- Toll-free telephone line for the audio portion of conference calls
- Library use
- Use of the web-conferencing software for group project work for program courses
Total Tuition
The total tuition for this program is $48,000*.
*This amount does not include travel and living expenses for summer residencies, textbooks or course software. Software required for courses is typically available in educational versions at substantial discounts.
Federal Loans
Students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible to receive some level of funding through the Federal Direct loan program. These loans are available to qualified graduate students who are taking at least four credits during the fall and spring semesters and two credits during summer. Private loans are also available. Learn more about financial aid.
Employer Support
Many students receive some financial support from their employers. Often, prospective students find it beneficial to sit down with their employer and discuss how this program applies to their current and future responsibilities and how participation will not interrupt their work schedule.
Check out our article about how to talk to your employer about tuition reimbursement.
Power Conversion and Control Capstone Certificate Tuition Costs
$1,600 per credit, payable at the beginning of each semester.
Total Tuition
The total tuition for this program is $14,400.
Tuition Includes:
- Technology costs for internet course delivery
- Live web-conferencing
- Toll-free telephone line for the audio portion of conference calls
- Library use
- Use of the web-conferencing software for group project work for program courses